Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Little do I know about the entirety of the world that I live in. I sometimes find myself at a loss with myself. Who am I? Is often asked internally on a daily basis. I have come to find we are our choices in many ways, but there are other things that create us and who we are. Our sex, race, religion, culture and orientation. these are the BIG FIVE that also create who we are beyond our choices. These five things are the most heated political and debated things of today.

NO.1 Sex. Male, Female, and beyond this we had no choice in at all, it took place before we were in born into this world. For many people in one way or another they may not feel comfortable with the stereotypes that come with sex like "women drivers" or "what is wrong with him he should be the one working". Then others just don't feel as they belong or are comfortable, because they may have been born male and identify as a female or vice verse. Should the views of others define them on who they are or are we allowed to define who we are? (that question being rhetorical)

NO.2 Race. As a young child I was told you can be anything or anyone you want to be as long as you work hard enough for that you one day will be able to achieve anything. Well folk this little me thought hard and I decided what I wanted to be until it was shattered in second grade Thank you Mr. Clarke for being the first person to tell me, I couldn't be Oprah. No matter how much I wanted to be because I would never be able to be a middle aged Black woman. That was the first moment that I realized at age 7, that race defines you and who you are according to society. I have heard so many negative things said like that "wetback" is good for nothing but the jobs us white folks are to good for. I have been blown away at the racism I have received for being white I have been spate on for no reason beyond the fact that I was a white person at a door knocking to talking about Jesus. I must think that I am above them and that they are bellow me because I am white. I have been told by another race that they are going to rape and kill me, because I don't belong in there area. Does the color of my skin define my character or what I capable of? James A. Forbes to me defined that we are not race but that we are a human race when he said "When people rely on surface appearances and false racial stereotypes, rather than in-depth knowledge of others at the level of the heart, mind and spirit, their ability to assess and understand people accurately is compromised." Therefore race does not matter because we are all a part of the human race together as one.

NO.3 Religion. Millions upon millions die century after century because of religion. Religion of any kind teaches one to believe in something higher something greater that who they are. If the bible is the same book that all Christians believe and read from then how does one believe that God is love, peace, tolerance, and perfection. Yet this same person that calls them self a christian believes that God could hate and destroy someone for not being perfect is absurd. If that were the case that would give the sinner power above one that is omnipotent. Belief is a powerful tool that if one is true to God then one would or should be of love, peace, and tolerance towards all eliminating that barrier that so many create that when you up break it down all religions teach those same underlying principles.

NO.4 Culture. Culture is created by us by who we are and who we surround ourselves with. Culture was there since the dawn of time and that the human race began and started to interact with one another showing intellectual thought. Does this mean that one culture is above another? Many would say so because they are more educated in the arts or sciences. Or are the remote tribes in South America more cultured because they do not need what we in America deem as the best culture. We have a government and rights that many feel all should have so it is taken and forced on others to have our culture. What if we stopped for just one moment and took into perspective that all cultures are equal but different just as 2+2=4 and 4*1=4 and 5-1=4 they all have the same equality but are uniquely there own. 

NO.5 Orientation. This right now is the most heated debate in the United States what sexual orientation you are. Many play the the other four of the big five to try and control sexual orientation. Sex only a man and a woman can create life therefore you as a man should be with a woman or you as a woman should be with a man. Race is a playing card also if you are a strong black man the you must be a man and have your woman. Religion is the ace in the deck on the subject many twist words that were written thousand of years Ago and define them to mean what ever they feel it to mean to create power and control. This manipulation and guilt is not of God if the gospels are correct the we are not to to cast the first stone, for each person has a mote in there own eye as each person is imperfect. God is love, love is free of judgment it is kind, understanding, and accepting. And if this is true then if a man want to be with a man let them be. If a man wants to be with a woman then too let it be.

 The saddest part  is we're obsessed with this idea of 'us and them,' which is really a no-win situation, whether it's racial, cultural, religious, orientation, or based on sex. To win and over come we must not allow the big 5 to exist in our minds as definitions, problems, or judgements. We are each a member of the same human family we should love, feel at peace with, and define tolerance for one another, we all are born onto this earth and will all one day leave it no matter what the big five are for each of us. The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, and know that is what matters. 
The saddest part of the human race is we're obsessed with this idea of 'us and them,' which is really a no-win situation, whether it's racial, cultural, religious or political.

The saddest part of the human race is we're obsessed with this idea of 'us and them,' which is really a no-win situation, whether it's racial, cultural, religious or political.

The saddest part of the human race is we're obsessed with this idea of 'us and them,' which is really a no-win situation, whether it's racial, cultural, religious or political.


1 comment:

Worlds Endless said...

I enjoyed these thoughts. Actually, the first time I'd ever heard the term "wetback" was from a mutual acquaintance of ours :) I think you make some good points about what these sort of divisions do to us as a society.